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MyEduPlan can help your child fulfil his dreams.

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  • Important note

At POSB, we understand that you only want the best for your children. And we have a plan that can help you save for their higher education.

Introducing MyEduPlan

MyEduPlan is a life insurance endowment plan designed to provide you with cash benefits that are aligned to your child’s university education expenses.

The Straits Times Education Forum - Every Parent, A Smart Parent

We are pleased to be the exclusive presenter of The Straits Times Education Forum and in this forum, you can learn about the latest educational findings and insights into what parents should and should do to help their child succeed in school and in life.

Our Keynote Speaker, Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education will speak on how parents can work with schools to best support their children to develop their unique gifts. There will also be a panellists of distinguished speakers who will touch on child motivation and saving for your child’s education.

Register now at

Event details:
Date: Sunday, May 4, 2014
Time: 9am to 2pm
Venue: Singapore Management
University (SMU)
Mochtar Riady Auditorium,
SMU Administration Building,
Level 5, 81 Victoria Street,
Singapore 188065
Admission for registered participants only.
They must be at least 18 years old.


MyEduPlan's Savings and Protection Benefits

Saving Benefits
Enjoy fixed returns of up to 1.41%p.a.1
Save from as low as S$229.952 monthly for 10 years.
Get back at least 100% of your total premiums paid over the policy term.
Receive 4+2 Fixed Cash Benefits (FCB) for your child's tertiary education expenses or choose to reinvest3 the FCB at the prevailing non-guaranteed interest of 3% p.a.
At the end of the policy term, you can receive a maturity benefit4, which consist of the final FCB, plus non-guaranteed bonuses.
Protection Benefits
  • Insure your child for Death5 and Terminal Illness5.
  • Further assure your child’s educational plan continues smoothly by protecting yourself with just 3% of your basic plan’s annual premium or S$0.786 per day with these riders.
  • EasyPayer Premium Waiver7 – In the event of Death, Terminal Illness or Total and Permanent Disability of the policy owner, all future premiums are waived and your child’s education fund will continue to grow.
  • Cancer Premium Waiver7 – Upon diagnosis of any Major Cancers8 of the policy owner, all future premiums are waived. You need not worry about your child’s savings as you focus on getting better.
  • EasyTerm7 – Provides additional lump sum cash of up to 5x of your basic plan’s total annual premium so you can cover unexpected expenses, if diagnosed of Terminal Illness, or suffered Total and Permanent Disability or Death.

1 This is published for illustration purposes. Based on MyEduPlan for child aged 1 ANB, Payout Age 21 ANB, Sum Assured of S$250,000. Female payor, aged 35 ANB, non smoker, paying annual premium, with EasyPayer Premium Waiver Rider (Compulsory). Fixed returns of up to 1.41% per annum is only upon policy maturity. The fixed returns vary depending on the age, sum insured, policy term and premium payment frequency. Please refer to Product Summary and Benefit Illustration for details.

2 This is published for illustration purposes. Based on MyEduPlan for child aged 1 ANB, Payout Age 21 ANB, Sum Assured of S$30,000. Female payor, aged 35 ANB, non smoker, paying monthly premium, opting EasyPayer Premium Waiver Rider (Compulsory).

3 For the reinvested option, Aviva Ltd reserves the right to revise the non-guaranteed rate based on future experience.

4 The Maturity Benefit consists of the Final Fixed Cash Benefit, any accumulated Reversionary Bonus, any Terminal Bonus and any re-invested Fixed Cash Benefits with non-guaranteed interest (if not previously withdrawn), less any indebtedness owing to Aviva Ltd. The Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus are non-guaranteed bonuses and depend on the performance of Aviva’s Participating Fund. Reversionary Bonus is non-guaranteed, but once declared and vested, it forms part of the fixed benefit of the policy. The non-guaranteed benefits are projected based on estimated bonus rates and actual benefits payable will depend on the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.

5 On the death of the Life Assured while the policy is in-force, Aviva Ltd will pay, Higher of (101% of total installment premiums paid on Basic Plan, less any total Fixed Cash Benefits paid out) or (the Fixed Cash Surrender Value); and any accumulated reversionary bonuses and terminal bonuses (non-guaranteed); and any re-invested Fixed Cash Benefits with non-guaranteed interest (if not previously withdrawn), less any indebtedness, in one lump sum (subject to applicable regulations). Upon diagnosis of Terminal Illness of the Life Assured while the policy is in-force, Aviva Ltd will pay the Terminal Illness Benefit in one lump sum, as an advancement of the Death Benefit. For details, please refer to the Product Summary.

6 This is published for illustration purposes. Based on MyEduPlan for child aged 1 ANB, Payout Age 19 ANB and Sum Assured of S$100,000. Female payor, aged 35 ANB, non smoker paying annual premium of S$9,175 and opting for the following riders:
  - EasyPayer Premium Waiver (Compulsory)
  - Cancer Premium Waiver
  - EasyTerm (Sum Assured = S$46,000 and 10 year policy term)

7 For more details on the riders, please refer to the Key provisions in the EasyPayer Premium Waiver, Cancer Premium Waiver, EasyTerm Product Summary respectively. It contains details of Exclusions, Waiting Period and Survival period (where applicable).

8 Definition of Major Cancers: A malignant tumor characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells with invasion and destruction of normal tissue. The diagnosis must be supported by histological evidence of malignancy and confirmed by an oncologist or pathologist. Please refer to the Product Summary for the exact terms and conditions.

Plan ahead with MyEduPlan

MyEduPlan is one of the most flexible policies and has one of widest age ranges (Payout Age 19 or 21, Age Next Birthday) in the market. Its Fixed Cash Benefits payouts are aligned to your child’s educational milestones.

*The Basic Sum Assured is the total of 4 Fixed Cash Benefits payable from the Payout Age and not the Death Benefit. For details, please refer to the Product Summary.

How MyEduPlan works?

Mr and Mrs Tan have a one-year-old (Age Next Birthday) son, Ben and they wish to save at least S$50,000 for his university education and related expenses.

How can MyEduPlan help them?

Note: The above illustration is based on MyEduPlan policy where Mr. Tan (Male, Aged 35 ANB, Non Smoker) has chosen to pay an annual premium of S$4,451. This translates into total premiums of S$44,510 paid over 10 years (S$4,451 x 10 years), including premiums of EasyPayer Premium Waiver (Compulsory). The total policy benefits of S$81,719 consists of the Fixed Cash Benefits of S$55,000 and total projected bonuses at maturity of S$26,719 at 4.75% projected investment return. Do note that the total projected bonuses at maturity are non-guaranteed. For more details, please refer to the product summary. All figures are in Singapore dollars. The numbers in the chart above have been rounded up to the nearest dollar value.

**The total projected bonuses are equal to any accumulated Reversionary Bonus and any Terminal Bonus. The Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus are non-guaranteed bonuses and depend on the performance of Aviva's Participating Fund, Reversionary Bonus is non-guaranteed, but once declared and vested, it forms part of the fixed benefit of the policy. The non-guaranteed benefits are projected based on estimated bonus rates and actual benefits payable will depend on the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.

***The total policy benefit consists of the 6 Fixed Cash Benefits, any accumulated Reversionary Bonus, any Terminal Bonus and any re-invested Fixed Cash Benefits with non-guaranteed interest(if not perviously withdrawn), less any indebtedness owing to Aviva Ltd.

Mr and Mrs Tan have a one-year-old (Age Next Birthday) daughter, Cindy, and they wish to save at least S$50,000 to ensure they have enough to pay for her university fees and related expenses.

How can MyEduPlan help them?

Note: The above illustration is based on MyEduPlan policy where Mr. Tan (Male, Aged 35 ANB, Non Smoker) has chosen to pay an annual premium of S$4,674. This translates into total premiums of S$46,7450 paid over 10 years (S$4,674 x 10 years), including premiums of EasyPayer Premium Waiver (Compulsory). The total policy benefits of S$77,086 consists of the Fixed Cash Benefits of S$55,000 and total projected bonuses at maturity of S$22,086 at 4.75% projected investment return. Do note that the total projected bonuses at maturity are non-guaranteed. For more details, please refer to the product summary. All figures are in Singapore dollars. The numbers in the chart above have been rounded up to the nearest dollar value.

**The total projected bonuses are equal to any accumulated Reversionary Bonus and any Terminal Bonus. The Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus are non-guaranteed bonuses and depend on the performance of Aviva's Participating Fund, Reversionary Bonus is non-guaranteed, but once declared and vested, it forms part of the fixed benefit of the policy. The non-guaranteed benefits are projected based on estimated bonus rates and actual benefits payable will depend on the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.

***The total policy benefit consists of the 6 Fixed Cash Benefits, any accumulated Reversionary Bonus, any Terminal Bonus and any re-invested Fixed Cash Benefits with non-guaranteed interest(if not perviously withdrawn), less any indebtedness owing to Aviva Ltd.

Current Cost of Education:

Calculate how much savings you will need for your child’s university education here:

Your child's present age :
Age at which your child will enter university :
Country of study :
Calculate >

UK Office of National Statistics percentage change over 12 months, 2011 / 2012
Australia Bureau of Statistics June Quarter 2013 to June Quarter 2012
US bureau of labor statistics, (percentage change between Aug 2012 to Aug 2013)
Singapore Department of Statistics

The projected figures are based on the following assumptions:

  1. Living inflation rate and education inflation rate is constant, at the current level, throughout the projection period.
  2. Exchange rate between countries (i.e. USD, GBP, AUD) remains at current level throughout the projection period

Important Notes: This calculator is intended to be used for illustrative purposes only and has not been tailored to your specific investment objectives, financial information and particular needs. You should not rely on this calculator to make any investment decisions and you should seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase any product. To assist you in your education planning, you may wish to seek assistance from our Relationship Managers in any of our branches.  The above figures are calculated based on the information provided by you and shall not be regarded as an estimation, advice or recommendation by the Bank. The Bank shall not be liable for any error and/or loss suffered as a result of using the calculator.

Important notes:

MyEduPlan is underwritten by Aviva Ltd, and distributed by DBS Bank Ltd (‘DBS’). It is not an obligation of, deposit in or guaranteed by DBS. You will find the precise terms, conditions and exclusions of this plan in the policy contract. What you read here is for general information only and is not a contract of insurance and has not been tailored to your specific investment objectives, financial information and particular needs. Also, do speak to financial adviser and obtain the product summary to read before deciding whether the product suits you. A product summary may be obtained from Aviva Ltd, or any DBS / POSB branches. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a financial adviser, you should consider whether the product in question is suitable for you. Buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender values payable may be less than the total premiums paid. You may write to Aviva Ltd to cancel the policy within 14 days of receiving the policy document and obtain a full refund of premium paid after deducting any expenses included in issuing the policy. If the policy in sent by post, it shall be deemed to be delivered within 7 days after posting.

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposits Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Aviva Ltd or visit the Life Insurance Association or SDIC websites ( or